French Press Brew Guide
Brew Time: 4 minutes
What you'll need:
- French Press
- Kettle
- Scale & Timer
- Stirring Tool
- Grinder or Ground Coffee
Step 1
Heat water to 205° and weigh out 30 grams coffee. Grind your coffee on a coarse setting (coarser than any other brew method).
We recommend a 1:12 coffee-to-water ratio for the French Press. 30 grams of coffee and 350 grams of water.
*If you order coffee from us select french press grind
Step 2
Pour ground coffee into the French press. Start timer and pour 60 grams of water into the French press. Stir and let bloom for 30 seconds.
Step 3
Final pour - pour water until the scale reads 350 grams. Place lid gently on top, but don’t plunge just yet. Let the coffee steep for 4 minutes.
Step 4
After 4 minutes, gently press down on the filter. Once you’ve finished pressing, serve the coffee immediately. Don’t let it sit because that will allow the coffee to continue brewing and will over-extract.
Step 5
Simple enjoy.