Guatemala - El Apiario
Guatemala - El Apiario
*Please note we roast coffee on Tuesday and Wednesday so coffee will ship on Wednesday or Friday!
Frangipane, Apricot, Green Apple
San Pedro Necta, Huehuetenango
Jorge Mendez
Bourbon & Caturra
1,600 - 1,900 MASL
Onyx Coffee Importers
About the Coffee
Fermentation time: 36 hours fermentation after de-pulping
Drying type: Concrete Patio Drying
Drying time: 7-10 days
From the Importer:
Jorge started as a picker in farms in the San Pedro Necta. He saved money with his wife until he had Q500 to buy a
small piece of land down by the PanAmerican highway. About 14 km away, and closer to civilization, Jorge learned
the value of coffee; how to buy and sell, quality metrics, and how to grow quality coffees. He sold his property and
moved back up the mountain to be back in Agua Dulce. Here he bought two small parcels and worked the land. Someone told him that having two farms apart was a waste of time so he bought the first lot where El Apiario and
El Panal currently are. At first coffee wouldn't grow at this elevation and he grew corn while trying many different
kinds of coffees. Finally, he discovered how to grow coffees at this altitude and continued to work on quality.
We also partner with Jorge for our Coffee Blossom Honey project, importing the absolutely delicious honey from
his farm. Check it out!